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6: The Trailerby QtStudios views · The Symbian Platform is Now. Last week Nokia announced a focus on Qt as its sole. Description of the Symbian platform. The list includes Evernote, Kindle and some. Qt is an integral part of the Symbian platform. While Symbian is a clear market leader, the new kids on the block are slowly eating away at the platform's market share. Garmin Mobile XT SDK for Symbian Platforms. In , we established the Symbian Foundation to make the Symbian platform available open source. The latest Symbian Belle phones include Qt as part of their firmware, and earlier phones have Qt.
Symbian OS Platform is one of the most versatile & advanced form of customizable operating system. Symbian Foundation has transitioned to a licensing body. What Garmin features are addressed in the SDK? The SDK provides information regarding GPS information , map.